What does using SALT do to our rivers?
Clean, Drain and Dry came in to effect January 1st, 2022. What does this mean for watercraft users across Ontario ? Click below to find out what you need to know.
Trent University’s Aquatic Research Program 2020
As we begin to think about Summer 2020 and the Trent Water Testing, we am pleased to announce that Dr. Paul Frost and his Lab are creating an expanded program called TARP (Trent Aquatic Research Program).
Trent University has a long and storied history of studying aquatic ecosystems, especially those
in the Kawartha region. Almost as soon as the university was established, scientists from Trent
were sampling rivers and lakes to learn about their aquatic residents and to work out basic
ecological processes. That research, on a wide range of topics, has continued largely without
interruption over the past four plus decades by multiple generations of Trent faculty and
students. Research by Trent on our freshwater ecosystems in the Kawarthas is an important
legacy and one that we will build on through the creation of the Trent Aquatic Research Program
To see the most recent TARP report on this, please CLICK HERE
Healthy Shorelines
Our lake is at risk for phosphorous build-up caused by erosion and shoreline practices that are not healthy. To this end, we can take measures to prevent erosion, runoff and unhealthy shoreline practices that are disruptive to water quality and fish habitat. One way to practice sound shoreline practices are to utilize native shrubs and plants that will improve the health of our lake.
For more information on shoreline ‘best practices’, please click on the following sources below:
Cottage Link Magazine - The Ribbon of Life
Federation of Ontario Cottagers' Associations (FOCA)
Natural Shorelines Enhancing Habitat Healthy Shorelines
New and/or replacement of erosion protection and shoreline/bank stabilization measures may be permitted where there is a demonstrated erosion or bank instability problem resulting in property loss and/or risk to public safety subject to the following:
impacts on hydrologic functions (e.g., water quality and quantity control) are minimized; the works will not result in a shoreline that is higher or further out into the water than what is existing;the works will result in a naturally stable slope;
the natural contours of the shoreline will be maintained;
erosion risk on adjacent, upstream and/or downstream properties is reduced; and/or, erosion and sedimentation processes are controlled to reduce existing or potential impacts from adjacent land uses, whichever is appropriate; and
shoreline/bank stabilization will employ best management PRACTICES that utilize natural materials that integrate with the existing natural features and processes (e.g., BIO-ENGINEERING) rather than hardening; OR
where it has been demonstrated that BIO-ENGINEERING solutions have been considered and are deemed inappropriate or insufficient, hardened surfaces (e.g., retaining walls) may be considered however, the shoreline/bank stabilization technique employed cannot result in an exclusively vertical structure.
Armour Stone or similar type rock with a vertical face will not be permitted unless it is to replace an existing armour stone or another vertical structure, or where it has been demonstrated that the creation of a stable slope using BIO-ENGINEERING techniques or an appropriate sized stone (rip rap) is not appropriate. It must be demonstrated that there will be not impacts to neighbouring properties.
Any armour stone wall two courses or higher must be designed by a qualified engineer.
Follow the links below to learn more about:
Healthy Shorelines
Invasive Species
Wollaston Lake Score Card
Water levels on Wollaston Lake
Monitored and controlled by the Crowe Valley Conservation Authority (CVCA).
CVCA has a mandate to address the following:
- carry out flood plan management
- maintain water levels
- establish outdoor recreation areas
- promote forest management and encourage reforestation
- promote conservation education
To learn more about Crowe Valley Conservation Authority click here
For information on working around water click here